I have a project due May 17. I have to create a math game using a GUI/Menu. The game has to give the user the option to chosse between which subject they would like to work on: adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying integers; adding, subtracting, multiplying decimals; square root of a perfect square; cubic root of a perfect cube; the area and perimeter of a rectangle given the sides.

The game should store the user's name and score and bive them the average of their scores.

If the whole program is too much then please give me what you can.

Creating a math game using a GUI/Menu is a great project idea to improve your programming skills. Here's a breakdown of how you can approach this project:

1. Design the GUI/Menu:
- Research the GUI framework/library available in the language you are using (e.g., Tkinter for Python).
- Create a main menu with options for different math subjects.
- Include features like input fields for the user's name, buttons to start the game, and a scoreboard to display the user's name, score, and average.

2. Implement the functionality:
- Break down each math subject into separate functions or modules to keep the code organized.
- Work on one subject at a time, starting with the simplest one.

3. Adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying integers:
- Generate random integer numbers within a certain range.
- Create a function that presents the user with two random numbers and a math operation.
- Validate the user's answer and provide feedback.
- Keep track of the user's score.

4. Adding, subtracting, multiplying decimals:
- Follow a similar process to the integer operations but with decimal numbers.
- Consider using a random number generator or defining a range for the decimals.

5. Square root of a perfect square, cubic root of a perfect cube:
- Generate random perfect squares and cubes using a random number generator.
- Create functions that present the user with a number and ask for the square or cubic root.
- Verify the user's answer and provide feedback.
- Track the user's score.

6. Area and perimeter of a rectangle given the sides:
- Prompt the user for the length and width of a rectangle.
- Calculate the area and perimeter using the provided inputs.
- Compare the user's answer with the correct answer and update the score accordingly.

7. Storing user's name, score, and calculating the average score:
- Use a data structure like a dictionary or an object to store the user's name and score.
- Incorporate functionality that allows you to save and retrieve the data for each user.
- Implement a function to calculate the average score of a particular user by adding up all their scores and dividing by the number of games played.

Remember to test your code frequently as you progress and handle any possible edge cases. Take small steps and build upon each feature to keep the project manageable. Good luck with your project!