can someone please help me identify two websites and the view of each author on the validity of Darwiin's theory of evolution?

i really can't find one :(

Of course, I can help you with that! Finding websites that discuss the view of different authors on the validity of Darwin's theory of evolution can be a bit challenging, but here's how you can do it yourself:

1. Start with a search engine: Begin by using a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo to search for "Darwin's theory of evolution critique" or "alternate views on Darwin's theory of evolution."

2. Check educational websites: Look for websites that belong to reputable educational institutions, such as universities or scientific organizations. These websites often provide reliable and well-researched information. You can include keywords like "edu" or "university" in your search to help narrow down the results.

3. Evaluate the credibility: Once you find websites discussing the topic, evaluate their credibility. Look for authoritative sources that cite scientific studies, experts in the field, or peer-reviewed articles. Avoid websites that do not provide references or that have a biased agenda.

Considering the difficulty you mentioned in finding suitable websites, I'll also provide you with two scientific articles that can help you in understanding the different perspectives on the validity of Darwin's theory:

1. "Creation Biology Society": This website provides an alternative perspective on evolution from a creationist viewpoint. You can find various articles and resources discussing different critiques of Darwin's theory. Visit their website at:

2. "The Evolution Institute": This website offers a scientific platform that examines topics related to evolution, including critiques and alternative views. They publish articles from multiple authors with diverse perspectives. Explore their website at:

Remember to approach the topic with an open mind and critically evaluate the credibility and evidence provided in the articles. It's always good to seek a range of perspectives to develop a well-informed understanding.