a doctor orders 570 ml of cough medicine. how many ounces is that?

1 fluid ounce = 29.57 ml

570 ml
= 570/29.57 oz/ml
= 19.3 fl. oz

29.64 acres is how many hectarests?


29.64 acres=hectares

To convert milliliters (ml) to ounces, we need to know the conversion factor. The conversion factor for milliliters to ounces is 1 ml = 0.03381402 ounces.

Now, let's use this conversion factor to find the number of ounces in 570 ml of cough medicine:

570 ml * 0.03381402 ounces/ml ≈ 19.2645163 ounces

Therefore, 570 ml of cough medicine is approximately 19.26 ounces.