To find the lateral area of a trapezoidal prism, you will need to know the formula for the lateral area of a general prism, as well as the specific formula for the lateral area of a trapezoid.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Understand the concept of a trapezoidal prism: A trapezoidal prism is a three-dimensional shape that has a trapezoid as its base and lateral faces that are rectangles.

2. Find the formula for the lateral area of a general prism: The lateral area of a prism is the sum of the areas of its lateral faces. For any prism, the formula for the lateral area is given by:
Lateral Area of a Prism = Perimeter of the Base x Height (or Depth)

3. Determine the formula for the lateral area of a trapezoid: To find the lateral area of a trapezoid, you need to calculate the sum of the lengths of all sides of the trapezoid (perimeter) and multiply it by the height of the trapezoid.

4. Calculate the lateral area of the trapezoidal prism: Now that we have both formulas, you can calculate the lateral area of the trapezoidal prism.

First, find the perimeter of the trapezoid base by adding the lengths of all its sides. Then, multiply the perimeter by the height of the prism (the height between the top and bottom bases). Finally, you will get the lateral area of the trapezoidal prism.

To summarize:
Lateral Area of Trapezoidal Prism = Perimeter of Base x Height

By applying these steps and using the appropriate formulas, you can find the lateral area of a trapezoidal prism.

A trapezoid does not have an axis of symmetry, so the lateral area is dependent on where the vertex is located. A "formula" will be different from one case to another, depending how the trapezoid and the vertex are defined.

In general, you'd have to calculate the area of each face separately.

The area of a face is equal to the slant height multiplied by the base and divided by two.

Repeat the same process for each of the sides of the trapezoid, and add the four areas together.

If you have difficulties calculating the lateral area of a particular case, you could post for further help.