
In the Q is X = multiply or or is the the variable x ?

Prasoon Dixit
Tutor Maths

Because of the confusion indicated in the previous post, multiplication online is indicated by "*", e.g.,

2*3 = 6.

Also online "^" is used to indicate an exponent, e.g., x^2 = x squared.

To simplify the given expression [3X(-3)-4X(-2)+5X2]+[-2X(-3)+8X(-2)-8X2], we can follow the order of operations, which is parentheses, exponents, multiplication/division (from left to right), and addition/subtraction (from left to right).

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Simplify each expression inside the parentheses individually.
- Inside the first set of parentheses: [3X(-3)-4X(-2)+5X2].
- 3X(-3) can be simplified by multiplying -3 with X, resulting in -3X.
- Similarly, -4X(-2) simplifies to 8X.
- 5X2 remains the same since there are no variables or parentheses.
So, the first set of parentheses simplifies to: -3X + 8X + 5X2.

- Inside the second set of parentheses: [-2X(-3)+8X(-2)-8X2].
- -2X(-3) simplifies to 6X.
- 8X(-2) simplifies to -16X.
- -8X2 remains the same since there are no variables or parentheses.
So, the second set of parentheses simplifies to: 6X - 16X - 8X2.

Step 2: Combine like terms within the first set of parentheses (-3X + 8X + 5X2).
- -3X + 8X = 5X (combine -3X and 8X).
Thus, the first set of parentheses simplifies to: 5X + 5X2.

Step 3: Combine like terms within the second set of parentheses (6X - 16X - 8X2).
- 6X - 16X = -10X (combine 6X and -16X).
Thus, the second set of parentheses simplifies to: -10X - 8X2.

Step 4: Combine the simplified expressions from the two sets of parentheses.
- [5X + 5X2] + [-10X - 8X2] = 5X + 5X2 - 10X - 8X2.

Step 5: Combine like terms in the resulting expression (5X + 5X2 - 10X - 8X2).
- 5X - 10X = -5X (combine 5X and -10X).
- 5X2 - 8X2 = -3X2 (combine 5X2 and -8X2).
Thus, the final simplified expression becomes: -5X - 3X2.

So, [3X(-3)-4X(-2)+5X2]+[-2X(-3)+8X(-2)-8X2] simplifies to -5X - 3X2.