Only one side of the moon is visible from Earth because...

A. the moon does not rotate on its axis.
B. the moon does not revolve around Earth.
C. the moon rotates faster than it revolves.
D. the moon revolves once and rotates once in the same period of time.

I chose D. Is that correct?

You are correct.

Yes, the answer is D. Most moons of the solar system are "tidally locked" by nonspherical bulges so that the moon keeps one side facing the planet that they orbit.

Yes, your answer choice D is correct. The reason only one side of the moon is visible from Earth is because the moon revolves once and rotates once in the same period of time. This phenomenon is known as synchronous rotation. As the moon orbits around the Earth, it also rotates on its own axis at the same rate. This synchronization causes one side of the moon to always face the Earth, while the other side remains permanently hidden from view. This is why we only ever see one side of the moon from Earth.