find the area of an isosceles triangel with hypothenues 18

If it has a hypotenuse it must also be a right triangle.

Since the other two sides are equal, their lengths must ne 18/sqrt2.

The area is then (1/2)(18/sqrt2)^2
= 9*18/2 = 81

To find the area of an isosceles triangle, we need some additional information. An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length, but we also need to know the length of the base or one of the equal sides.

However, since you have given the hypotenuse length, we can conclude that the triangle is not isosceles but instead a right triangle. In a right triangle, the hypotenuse is the longest side and is opposite the right angle.

To find the area of a right triangle, we need the lengths of both legs of the triangle, A and B. In this case, we only have the length of the hypotenuse (18 units), and we cannot determine the area solely with that information.

If you are looking for the area of an isosceles triangle, please provide the length of the base or one of the equal sides, and I will be happy to help you calculate the area.