Suppose I reported the length f a book shelf to be 2.12 meters. What range would you expect the actual length of the bookshelf to lie in?

What are your choices?

There is no choices

With the data you provide, the range = 0.

Is there more data that has not been included?

To determine the range in which the actual length of the bookshelf could lie, we need to consider the reported length as well as its potential margin of error.

Typically, when reporting a measurement, there is an inherent level of uncertainty due to various factors such as measurement tool accuracy, human error, or environmental conditions. This uncertainty is usually expressed as a margin of error.

Without knowing the specific margin of error for the reported length of 2.12 meters, it is difficult to provide an exact range. However, if we assume a commonly used margin of error of ±0.01 meters (or 1 centimeter), we can establish a range.

In this case, the lower end of the possible range would be 2.12 meters minus 0.01 meters, resulting in 2.11 meters. Similarly, the upper end of the range would be 2.12 meters plus 0.01 meters, giving us 2.13 meters.

Therefore, based on this assumed margin of error of ±0.01 meters, we would expect the actual length of the bookshelf to lie within the range of 2.11 meters to 2.13 meters.