Can you help simplify this problem for me?


Thank you!

Certainly! To simplify the expression -9[12-8(-3)*(-5)+1], we can follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS):

1. Start by simplifying the innermost parentheses: -3 * (-5) = 15.

2. Next, compute the product within the parentheses: 8 * 15 = 120.

3. Now, simplify the expression within the square brackets: 12 - 120 + 1 = -107.

4. Finally, simplify the remaining expression outside the square brackets by multiplying -9 and -107: -9 * -107 = 963.
So, the simplified form of the expression is 963.

In summary, to simplify the expression -9[12-8(-3)*(-5)+1], follow the order of operations and perform the calculations step by step.