Determine if the following sentence employ Correct use of Commas and apostrophes.True=correct False=wrong

1. The child was initially started on ceftriazone, but developed a rash and was therefore changed to chloramphenicol.
nedd the comma there for the pause -
but there is probably some rule why!
Thanks -

Yes -- it emphasizes a contrast.
See #7.

Child’s initial exam shows a furious, robust, fighting infant who is moving his head well.

To determine if the use of commas and apostrophes in a sentence is correct, you should follow the rules of grammar and punctuation. In the sentence you provided:

"The child was initially started on ceftriazone, but developed a rash and was therefore changed to chloramphenicol."

The use of commas in this sentence is correct. The comma is used to separate the two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "but." This is known as a comma before a coordinating conjunction. It creates a clear pause between the two parts of the sentence.

Regarding apostrophes, there are no apostrophes used in this sentence, so there is no need to evaluate their use.

In summary, the sentence demonstrates correct use of commas, but since there are no apostrophes in the sentence, it is not necessary to evaluate their use.