Determine if the following sentence employ the correct use of commas and apostrophes.TRUE=correct FALSE=wrong

1.The patient is a 41-year-old, white female with a several-month's history of biliary colic.
Thinking comma after old can be eliminated and put after female.
+ no ' needed after month = months.

The comma belongs there.

So does the apostrophe except that "several" makes the noun plural, right? Where will the apostrophe go on a PLURAL POSSESSIVE??

Also, did you see my post this morning on one of your questions late last night?


on a plural possessive the apostrophe would go on the outside
ex. several-months' therefore still making this sentence FALSE.

Just found something in my notes that would now totally make this above sentence TRUE!
*If you have a business or an organization OR a hyphenated word, you make only the last word possessive.
Now I am not sure if it's TRUE or FALSE

Yes Thank you for the late night post -I went to bed. I believe I am 3 hours behind here on the West Coast of Beautiful BC Canada.

It's still false!! Plural possessives of regular or semi-irregular nouns end with -s' not 's.

We're about 2 hours apart. I'm in Central time and Ms. Sue is in Eastern time.

The correct use of commas and apostrophes in the given sentence is FALSE. Here's the breakdown:

"The patient is a 41-year-old, white female with a several-month's history of biliary colic."

1. Commas:
- The first comma after "41-year-old" is unnecessary and should be removed. The correct form should be "The patient is a 41-year-old white female..."
- There is no need for a comma after "female" because it is the last item in the series.

2. Apostrophe:
- The word "several-month's" should be changed to "several months" without an apostrophe. Apostrophes are used to indicate possession or contractions, but in this case, "months" does not require possessive form or contraction.

To properly revise the sentence, omit the unnecessary comma after "41-year-old" and remove the apostrophe in "several-month's," resulting in:

"The patient is a 41-year-old white female with a several months history of biliary colic."

Remember, it is essential to carefully review the usage of commas and apostrophes to ensure clarity and grammatical correctness in your writing.