Determine if the following sentence employ the correct use of commas and apostrophes. True Correct False wrong

1. The girl's mother, a nurse at a local clinic, was called at her work and told of her daughter's injury.




To determine if the sentence employs the correct use of commas and apostrophes, we can analyze the sentence and check if the punctuation marks are used appropriately.

In the given sentence, there are two instances of punctuation marks: a comma and an apostrophe. Let's break down the sentence and examine each punctuation mark usage:

1. The girl's mother, a nurse at a local clinic, was called at her work and told of her daughter's injury.

The first apostrophe is used correctly in "girl's" to indicate possession - it signifies that the mother belongs to the girl. So, the usage of the apostrophe is correct.

Next, let's look at the commas.

"The girl's mother" is followed by a comma, which correctly separates the introductory phrase "a nurse at a local clinic" from the main clause. The presence of this comma is appropriate.

Finally, there is no need for a comma before "and told of her daughter's injury" because the phrase following it is not an independent clause. Therefore, the absence of a comma in this position is correct.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the sentence employs the correct use of commas and apostrophes. Hence, the answer is True.