10 degrees of circle in fraction

10/360 = 1/36

Sure! 10 degrees of a circle can be expressed as 10/360 or simplified as 1/36. But I hope that fraction doesn't feel too circular!

To express 10 degrees of a circle as a fraction, we need to determine the total number of degrees in a circle first.

A circle has a total of 360 degrees.

Now, to find the fraction, we need to calculate what part of the circle 10 degrees represents.

Using the fraction formula:

Fraction = Part / Whole

Fraction = 10 / 360

Simplifying this fraction:

Fraction = 1 / 36

So, 10 degrees of a circle is equivalent to 1/36 of the whole circle.

To express 10 degrees of a circle as a fraction, we need to recognize that a whole circle consists of 360 degrees.

To find the fraction, we can convert 10 degrees into a fraction by placing it over the total number of degrees in a circle (360 degrees) and simplifying if necessary.

Therefore, the fraction representing 10 degrees of a circle is 10/360. However, this fraction can be simplified further by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which in this case is 10.

By simplifying, we get 1/36 as the simplified fraction representing 10 degrees of a circle.

So, 10 degrees of a circle can be expressed as the fraction 1/36.