I need someone to diagram where the following parts of speech go; gerund, verb, infinitive, subject, prepositionalphrase, direct object, object compliment, participial phrase, and indirect object. If you need my email, ask!

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Sure, I can explain how to diagram sentences including these parts of speech. However, as a text-based AI, I am unable to request or access personal email information.

To diagram sentences, you'll need to follow certain steps. Here's a basic guide on how to diagram sentences with the given parts of speech:

1. Identify the main subject and main verb of the sentence.
- The subject is typically a noun or pronoun that performs the action or is being described.
- The verb is the action or state of being in the sentence.

2. Label the subject and verb on a horizontal line, with the verb's line extending beyond the subject's line.
Example: [subject] --- [verb]

3. Next, identify and label any additional parts of speech, using lines branching out from the main verb line. Here are the explanations and examples for each part of speech:

- Gerund: A verb form ending in -ing that functions as a noun.
Example: [subject] --- [gerund]
- Infinitive: The base form of a verb, usually preceded by the word "to."
Example: [subject] --- [infinitive]
- Prepositional Phrase: A phrase that begins with a preposition and includes a noun or pronoun.
Example: [subject] --- [verb] --- [prepositional phrase]
- Direct Object: A noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb.
Example: [subject] --- [verb] --- [direct object]
- Object Complement: A noun or adjective that follows a direct object and renames or describes it.
Example: [subject] --- [verb] --- [direct object] --- [object complement]
- Participial Phrase: A phrase that includes a present or past participle and its modifiers.
Example: [subject] --- [verb] --- [participial phrase]
- Indirect Object: A noun or pronoun that answers the question "to/for whom" or "to/for what" following a verb.
Example: [subject] --- [verb] --- [indirect object]

Remember to place each part of speech on a separate line, branching out from the main verb line.

By following these steps, you can diagram sentences and clearly identify the relationships between different parts of speech.