what are the common nouns in the following sentence? "He was also concerned about poverty in America, some of his paintings illustrate his varied interests."

All nouns that do not have a capital letter are common nouns.

Which ones do you see? I find 3.

poverty paintings interests

poverty, paintings, interests

Yes, those 3 are correct.

In order to identify the common nouns in the given sentence, it is important to understand what a common noun is. A common noun is a general, non-specific person, place, thing, or idea. It is usually not capitalized unless it begins a sentence.

Let's break down the sentence to identify the common nouns:

"He was also concerned about poverty in America, some of his paintings illustrate his varied interests."

The common nouns in this sentence are:

1. poverty: It is a general term for a state of being poor.
2. America: It is a common noun referring to a country.
3. paintings: It is a general term for visual artwork.

It is important to note that the word "interests" is not considered a common noun in this sentence since it is referring to a specific set of things that the person is interested in. It is best to identify common nouns as general terms rather than specific ones.