1,3-diphosphoglycerate (1,3-DPG) is a molecule that can be used to regenerate ATP in the body. Explain how this is possible given the coupled reactions below.

1,3-DPG „³ 3-DPG + PO43- ƒ´G = -49 kJ
ADP + PO43- „³ ATP ƒ´G = 31 kJ

I don't understand your „³ and ƒ´ symbols, nor what this has to do with thermodynamics


To understand how 1,3-diphosphoglycerate (1,3-DPG) can be used to regenerate ATP in the body, we need to look at the coupled reactions involved and the change in free energy (∆G) for each step.

The first reaction involves the conversion of 1,3-DPG into 3-DPG and inorganic phosphate (PO43-):

1,3-DPG → 3-DPG + PO43- ∆G = -49 kJ/mol

This reaction releases energy (∆G < 0), indicating that it is exergonic (energy-releasing). The negative ∆G value means that the reaction releases 49 kJ/mol of energy.

The second reaction involves the synthesis of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate (PO43-):

ADP + PO43- → ATP ∆G = 31 kJ/mol

This reaction requires energy (∆G > 0), indicating that it is endergonic (energy-consuming). The positive ∆G value means that the reaction requires 31 kJ/mol of energy.

To couple these reactions, the exergonic reaction of 1,3-DPG breakdown is energetically connected to the endergonic reaction of ATP synthesis. This coupling allows the energy released from the breakdown of 1,3-DPG to be used to drive the synthesis of ATP.

The key component for this coupling is the phosphate group (PO43-). The phosphate group released during the breakdown of 1,3-DPG in the first reaction can be utilized in the second reaction to form ATP. The phosphate group is transferred from 1,3-DPG to ADP, resulting in the synthesis of ATP.

Overall, the coupled reactions can be represented as:

1,3-DPG + ADP + PO43- → 3-DPG + ATP

By utilizing the energy released during the breakdown of 1,3-DPG, the phosphate group is transferred to ADP, converting it into ATP. This process effectively regenerates ATP, which is an essential energy source for cellular functioning in the body.