39. Mi padre le compró a mi madre algo ______: una pulsera muy bonita con su nombre.

a. encantada
b. fascinante
c. divertida
d. personal

I understand the meaning of this but I don't really get which option would work..

40. Muchos ______ fueron al baile.
a. trajes
b. aretes
c. invitados
d. invitaciones

41. Pienso llevar ___ al baile elegante. Mi novio dice que va a llevar _______.
a. calcetines / zapatos de tacón alto
b. un vestido de fiesta / un traje
c. ropa / una reunión
d. tenis / tenis tambien

42. "¿Vas al concierto?"
"Sí, pero no me siento bien. Creo que voy _____."
a. a pasarlo mal
b. a pasarle bien
c. a invitar a alguien
d. a bailar con alguien

43. "¿Piensas comprar algo en la tienda de regalos?"
"No, no tengo mucho dinero. ____ voy a comprar _____."
a. Nada / nunca
b. No / nada
c. No, no / nadie
d. Tampoco / algo
D? Not sure..

44. En esta foto mi hermano y yo _______.
a. está paseando en bote.
b. están descansando
c. estamos subiendo la pirámide
d. estás buceando
D? Not sure..

45. No invité ____ de la clase.
a. ninguna persona
b. a alguna persona
c. a alguien
d. a nadie
Not sure..


1. Well, it must be adjective to go with "algo" and that rules out anything feminine (a, c) so you must choose between b & d = Which looks better here?

40 & 41 = absolutely!

42. Read the 2nd part " but I don't feel well." a

43. Not d because Tampoco is a negative word but algo is positive! b

44. Why are you not sure? Are you reading these too fast. Mi hermano y yo = my brother and I = 2 people, so you can NOT pick something singular. = WE = c

45. Be sure you need a "personal a" in front of a person. And it's a negative sentence, so there is only ONE choice. What do you way it is?


39- Should I go with B?

45- D?


39. yes

45. right again~


Let me help you with these questions!

39. The sentence "Mi padre le compró a mi madre algo ____: una pulsera muy bonita con su nombre." is saying that the father bought something for the mother, and it was a beautiful bracelet with her name on it. Based on this context, the word that best fits the sentence is "d. personal" because the bracelet has her name on it, making it a personalized gift.

40. The sentence "Muchos _____ fueron al baile." is saying that many people went to the dance. Based on this context, the word that best fits the sentence is "c. invitados" because it means guests or attendees.

41. The sentence "Pienso llevar ___ al baile elegante. Mi novio dice que va a llevar _______." is talking about what the speaker and their boyfriend are planning to wear to a fancy dance. Based on this context, the answer that best completes the sentence is "b. un vestido de fiesta / un traje" because the speaker plans to wear a party dress, and the boyfriend plans to wear a suit.

42. The sentence "¿Vas al concierto?" "Sí, pero no me siento bien. Creo que voy _____." is about someone feeling unwell but still planning to go to a concert. Based on this context, the answer that best completes the sentence is "b. a pasarle bien" which means "to have a good time."

43. The sentence "¿Piensas comprar algo en la tienda de regalos?" "No, no tengo mucho dinero. ____ voy a comprar _____." is about someone not having much money to spend at the gift shop. Based on this context, the answer that best completes the sentence is "d. Tampoco / algo" which means "Neither / anything." It indicates that they are not going to buy anything.

44. The sentence "En esta foto mi hermano y yo _______." describes a photo of the speaker and their brother. Based on this context, the answer that best completes the sentence is "c. estamos subiendo la pirámide" which means "we are climbing the pyramid." It explains what the speaker and their brother are doing in the photo.

45. The sentence "No invité ____ de la clase." is about someone not inviting someone from their class. Based on this context, the answer that best completes the sentence is "d. a nadie" which means "nobody." It indicates that the person did not invite anyone from the class.

I hope this helps you understand the answers! Let me know if you have any further questions.