Explain the words element compound and mixture. Identify which substances ara element compound and mixture

These definitions should be in your text or notes. If not there, google them or look in a dictionary.

Sure! I'd be happy to explain the terms "element," "compound," and "mixture" and provide examples of each.

1. Element: An element is a pure substance that consists of only one type of atom. Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter. Elements are listed on the periodic table, and each has a unique symbol. Examples of elements include oxygen (O), carbon (C), and gold (Au). In a sample of a pure element, all atoms are identical.

2. Compound: A compound is a substance composed of two or more different elements chemically combined in a fixed ratio. Compounds have different properties from their constituent elements. For example, water (H2O) is a compound made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Other examples of compounds include carbon dioxide (CO2) and sodium chloride (NaCl).

3. Mixture: A mixture is a material made up of two or more substances that are physically combined and can be separated by physical means. Unlike compounds, mixtures do not involve chemical bonding between the individual components. Mixtures can be homogeneous (uniform throughout) or heterogeneous (not uniform throughout). Examples of mixtures include air (a mixture of gases), saltwater (a mixture of salt and water), and trail mix (a mixture of nuts, dried fruits, and chocolates).

Now, let's identify the substances as elements, compounds, or mixtures:

- Oxygen (O): Element
- Carbon dioxide (CO2): Compound
- Gold (Au): Element
- Water (H2O): Compound
- Air: Mixture
- Sugar (C12H22O11): Compound
- Saltwater: Mixture
- Trail mix: Mixture

By understanding the definitions and characteristics of elements, compounds, and mixtures, we can determine their classification and identify specific examples.