Need to circle the correctword in parentheses and label adjective or adverb.

1. Cats can see (good,well) in the dark. ANSWER=well,adverb

2.After the storm the pier was damaged(bad,badly). ANSWER=bad,adjective

3. I was (real,really) pleased to get your invitation. ANSWER=really,adverb

4. Lila's medicine worked really (good,well) for her. ASNWER=good,adj

5. In the 1830s the Cherokees were treated very (bad,badly). ANSWER=badly,adverb

6. Sylvia looks (good,well) in her mermaid costume. ANSWER=good,adj

2 and 4 are wrong.

To circle the correct word and label it as an adjective or adverb, you need to understand the difference between adjectives and adverbs.

An adjective describes or modifies a noun or pronoun by providing more information about its quality, type, or quantity. For example, in sentence 2, "bad" is an adjective because it describes the condition of the pier.

An adverb, on the other hand, describes or modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb by providing more information about how, when, where, or to what extent the action or quality is occurring. For example, in sentence 1, "well" is an adverb because it describes how cats can see in the dark.

To circle the correct word and label it, follow these steps:

1. Read the sentence carefully.
2. Identify the word in parentheses.
3. Determine whether it is modifying a noun or pronoun (adjective) or modifying a verb, adjective, or other adverb (adverb).
4. Circle the correct word and label it as "adj" for adjective or "adv" for adverb.

Let's apply these steps to the provided sentences:

1. Cats can see (good,well) in the dark. ANSWER=well, adverb
2. After the storm the pier was damaged (bad,badly). ANSWER=bad, adjective
3. I was (real,really) pleased to get your invitation. ANSWER=really, adverb
4. Lila's medicine worked really (good,well) for her. ANSWER=good, adjective
5. In the 1830s the Cherokees were treated very (bad,badly). ANSWER=badly, adverb
6. Sylvia looks (good,well) in her mermaid costume. ANSWER=good, adjective