Describe one experience where you were deceived by what you saw.

Describe one experience where you chose not to believe what you had seen.

At the height of the UFO craze, I thought I saw a UFO.

What is your experience?

I saw that same UFO.

Ahh! So it was real! <g>



Experience where I was deceived by what I saw:

One experience where I was deceived by what I saw was when I watched a magic show. The magician performed a trick where he seemingly made a coin disappear from his hand. I was sitting right in front, and I saw him hold the coin in his hand before it vanished. I was completely convinced that the coin had actually disappeared, as there was no other explanation for what I saw. However, later on, I learned that the magician used sleight of hand techniques and misdirection to make the coin seem to disappear, when in reality, it was just hidden in his hand all along. It was a clear example of how one's perception can be deceived by clever techniques and illusions.

Experience where I chose not to believe what I had seen:

One experience where I chose not to believe what I had seen was when I witnessed a conflict between two friends. I saw one friend yell at the other and storm off, seemingly in anger. However, I chose not to believe that this friend was genuinely angry because I knew they had been under a lot of stress lately, and it seemed out of character for them to react that way. Instead of accepting what I saw at face value, I decided to approach the friend later and ask what had happened. It turned out that they were dealing with personal issues and the outburst was a result of that, rather than genuine anger towards their friend. This experience taught me the importance of not jumping to conclusions based solely on what I see, but instead taking into account other factors and seeking additional information before forming a judgment.