What is friction? I don't understand the definition.

Friction is the resistance that occurs when two surfaces move against each other. It is a force that opposes motion. To understand the concept of friction, you can try the following steps:

1. Imagine two objects, such as a book on a table. When you try to slide the book across the table, you might notice that it doesn't move easily. This resistance you feel is friction.

2. The frictional force is caused by the microscopic roughness present on the surfaces in contact. As you try to slide the book, the tiny bumps on the table's surface and the book's surface interact and resist the motion.

3. Friction has two main types: static friction and kinetic friction. Static friction occurs when two objects are not moving relative to each other, while kinetic friction occurs when two objects are in motion relative to each other.

4. Friction depends on several factors, including the nature of the surfaces in contact, the force pressing the objects together (normal force), and the roughness of the surfaces. Rougher surfaces generally have higher friction.

5. You can conduct simple experiments to experience friction firsthand. For example, try sliding different objects on various surfaces and observe the differences in the amount of resistance encountered.

Understanding friction is essential in many practical applications, such as walking, driving, and engineering designs.