Whatis Pronoun antecedent agreement?



Writing an essay on advertisement. If you wouldn't wear your dog, Please don't wear any fur. Is the following a good thesis. (This is only my 3 essay not to sure how)

Animals were put on this earth just like humans, so that they can live their lives, just like we do!

Animals were put on this earth just like humans, so that they can live their lives, just like we do.

is this a better theseis?

Humans have nocompassion for suffering of animals for cosmetic uses, Animals kill to eat and have no other choice,
we kill to satisfy our selfish needs.

Your thesis statement must include factual information (which you already have) plus your position/opinion/stance. Without your position on the topic, it isn't a true thesis statement. So think of this sentence as the angle you want to take on the topic and what you intend to prove by the end of your paper. (If your statement is simply factual, then there's nothing to prove!)

Read carefully and follow ALL directions.

This is one of the very best places I've seen online to help students write good thesis statements. It shows you sentences that aren't thesis statements and how to turn each one into real thesis statements.

I have rewritten my thesis. how is it now

Although people wouldn’t wear their dogs, for the desire to appear fashionable, many animals are killed, and therefore we must not wear any fur.

Pronoun-antecedent agreement is a grammatical rule that states that a pronoun must agree in number and gender with its antecedent, which is the noun that the pronoun is referring to. In other words, the pronoun must match the antecedent in terms of singular or plural form and also in terms of masculine, feminine, or neuter gender.

To determine the pronoun-antecedent agreement, you need to follow these steps:

1. Identify the antecedent: Look for the noun that the pronoun is replacing or referring to in the sentence.

2. Determine the number: Check if the antecedent is singular or plural. This will determine if the pronoun should also be singular or plural.

3. Determine the gender: If the antecedent is a person or an animal with a known gender, determine if it is masculine, feminine, or neuter. This will determine if the pronoun used should match the gender of the antecedent.

4. Choose the appropriate pronoun: Based on the number and gender of the antecedent, select the correct pronoun. Common pronouns include he, she, it, they, him, her, them, etc.

Antecedent: The cat
Pronoun: It
Sentence: The cat is hungry. It wants to be fed.

In this example, "cat" is singular, so the pronoun "it" is used to match the antecedent in both number and gender.

Remember, maintaining pronoun-antecedent agreement is important to ensure clear and grammatically correct sentences.