if you had 14 moles of octane how many moles of carbon dioxide would you get?

octane: C8H18 - relative molecular mass: 12*8 + 18= 114

carbon dioxide: CO2 - rel mol mass: 12 + 2(16) = 44

1 mole of octane has mass of 114g
14 moles of octane have mass of 14*114
=> 1596g of octane is 14 moles
1g of octane is 14/1596 moles
44g of octane is (14/1596)*44
=0.3859 moles
its something lik that bt i think i went somewhere wrong cuz the no is v small...

there isn't supposed to be a "v"

our teacher said there was an error so that question won't count against you. but you're right :)

To determine the number of moles of carbon dioxide produced from 14 moles of octane, we need to understand the balanced chemical equation for the combustion reaction of octane. The balanced equation is:

2 C8H18 + 25 O2 -> 16 CO2 + 18 H2O

From the balanced equation, we can see that 2 moles of octane react with 25 moles of oxygen gas (O2) to produce 16 moles of carbon dioxide (CO2) and 18 moles of water (H2O).

Since octane is a hydrocarbon with 8 carbon atoms, each mole of octane (C8H18) contains 8 moles of carbon. Therefore, 14 moles of octane would contain 14 x 8 = 112 moles of carbon.

According to the balanced equation, 2 moles of octane produce 16 moles of carbon dioxide. So, to find the moles of carbon dioxide produced from 14 moles of octane, we set up a proportion:

(14 moles octane / 2 moles octane) = (x moles CO2 / 16 moles CO2)

Cross-multiplying, we get:

14 moles octane * 16 moles CO2 = 2 moles octane * x moles CO2

224 moles CO2 = 2x

Dividing both sides by 2:

112 moles CO2 = x

Therefore, if you had 14 moles of octane, you would produce 112 moles of carbon dioxide.