I just finished reading Macbeth for school. My teacher assigned a essay for us to do. She asked if we think the witches' predictions were right or if the witches' predictions were disappointing because of duality and doublespeak.

I said that I believe in neither and I believe that the witches' prophecies were self-fulfilling prophecies. Isn't that right? I know it has some duality and doublespeak, however, I think they are self-fulfilling prophecies because Macbeth chose to murder King Duncan so he can become king. If he just ignored the witches, all of this would have never happened. Also, when Macduff said he was not 'born of woman', Macbeth managed to let himself be killed by Macduff because he thought he could never die because everyone was 'born from woman.' I think these events prove that the prophecies were self-fulfilling.

Do I have the right idea or should I just say the prophecies are based on duality and double speak?


Your interpretation that the prophecies in Macbeth are self-fulfilling is a valid perspective and can be supported in your essay. In order to strengthen your argument, it would be helpful to provide evidence from the play to support your claim.

To further develop your essay, you could focus on the concept of free will versus fate. Macbeth's actions are driven by his ambition and desire for power, and the prophecies provided by the witches act as catalysts for his decisions. The witches' predictions serve as a temptation and an opportunity for Macbeth to act upon his ambitions. Without their influence, Macbeth may not have gone down the path of bloodshed and destruction.

Additionally, consider discussing the role of Macbeth's own interpretation and manipulation of the prophecies. Macbeth initially interprets the witches' predictions to his advantage, but he misinterprets certain aspects, leading to his downfall. This misinterpretation could be seen as a form of duality and doublespeak.

You could also mention the theme of equivocation, which is prevalent throughout the play. The witches' prophecies are often ambiguous, allowing Macbeth to interpret them in ways that align with his desires. This ambiguity further contributes to the self-fulfilling nature of the prophecies.

In summary, while duality and doublespeak can be aspects to examine, your idea of the prophecies being self-fulfilling holds merit. Just make sure to include supporting evidence from the play and discuss key themes like free will, misinterpretation, and equivocation to strengthen your argument.