26. "Luisa, te presento a la señora Ortega."

a. !Feliz cumpleaños!
b. ¿Como estás?
c. Ahora te conozco
d. Encantada

27. Me encantan ______. Todos llevan algo muy divertido.
a. las fiestas de disfraces
b. los regalos elegantes
c. los zapatos de tacón alto
d. las invitaciones

30. "!Hoy tengo quince años!"
a. ¿Qué tal?
b. !Feliz cumpleaños!
c. !Genial!
d. !De ninguna manera!

33. Hay que escribir ______ en las invitaciónes.

a. las decoraciones
b. los regalos
c. la fecha, la hora, y el lugar
d. sólo los números de telefono

35. A mi madre le gustan los flores. Pienso ____ algunas para su cumpleaños.
a. regalarle
b. sacar
c. presentarle
d. vender


26. Since she is being introduced to a lady (older and not on a first-name basis) the familiar can not be used. The only possible one is D. ("charmed")

27, 30 = correct.

33 & 35 = correct

:) Sra

For question 26, the correct answer is "d. Encantada". This is the appropriate response when introducing someone to another person, as it means "Nice to meet you."

To arrive at this answer, you can break down the given sentence: "Luisa, te presento a la señora Ortega." This translates to "Luisa, I present you to Mrs. Ortega." Since Luisa is being introduced to the señora Ortega, it is customary to reply with "Encantada" (Nice to meet you) in Spanish.

For question 27, the correct answer is "a. las fiestas de disfraces" (costume parties). This is indicated by the statement "todos llevan algo muy divertido" which means "everyone wears something fun."

To determine the answer, you can analyze the options provided and choose the one that aligns with the statement. Among the options, only "las fiestas de disfraces" (costume parties) involve people wearing something fun and different.

As for question 30, the correct answer is "b. !Feliz cumpleaños!" (Happy birthday!). This is the appropriate response when someone says "Hoy tengo quince años!" which means "Today is my fifteenth birthday!" in Spanish.

To find the answer, you can analyze the given statement and look for the appropriate response. In this case, the person is announcing their birthday, so the appropriate reply is to wish them a happy birthday, which is captured by the option "b. !Feliz cumpleaños!" (Happy birthday!).