How do you write this as an algebraic inequality ?

"Three times a number decreased by seventeen is less than or equal to eight."

3n - 17 <= 8

Thanks so much ! What about One hundred twelve is less than the sum of twelve and the product of eight and a variable represented as n ?

12 + 8n > 112

To write the given statement as an algebraic inequality, let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Let's assume the number is represented by the variable "x".

Step 2: "Three times a number" can be expressed as "3x".

Step 3: "Decreased by seventeen" means subtracting 17 from "3x", which gives "3x - 17".

Step 4: "Is less than or equal to eight" is represented by the symbol "≤" (less than or equal to).

Putting it all together, the algebraic inequality representing the given statement is:
3x - 17 ≤ 8