Which machine would you use to protct a graphic display?

A spiral binder
b pantograph
C laminator
D dry-mount press
I would say C, but I also like d too. Can someone help me.

C is correct, yes.

Billy, Kristi, Bree, or whoever --

Quit changing names. It serves no purpose.

To determine which machine would be best to protect a graphic display, we can evaluate the options provided.

A) Spiral binder: A spiral binder is typically used to bind pages together, but it does not provide any protection for a graphic display, as it mainly focuses on binding papers.

B) Pantograph: A pantograph is a mechanical device used for copying and scaling drawings, and it does not offer any protection for a graphic display either.

C) Laminator: A laminator is a machine that coats documents or materials with a transparent plastic film, sealing them and providing protection against moisture, stains, and regular wear and tear. Laminating a graphic display can help preserve its colors, keep it clean, and make it more durable.

D) Dry-mount press: A dry-mount press is primarily used for mounting photographs or artwork onto backing boards. While it can provide some level of protection by affixing the graphic display to a board, it does not offer the same level of protection as a laminator.

Based on these explanations, the most suitable option for protecting a graphic display would be option C, a laminator.