1. In the following sentence, identify the part of speech of the italicized word.

Large fish swim swiftly in the sea.

A. Verb
B. Noun
C. Adjective
D. Adverb

2. In the following sentence, identify the part of speech of the italicized word.
Large fish swim swiftly in the sea.
3. Choose the sentence that contains a relative pronoun.

A. Mr. Moon, whom you have met, is my assistant.
B. Those are not my shoes.
C. Someone is coming down the hill.
D. Please, put your book bag in your locker.

4. In the following sentence, identify the part of speech of the italicized word.
Thousands of years ago, fish were caught in nets and traps.

A. Conjunction
B. Pronoun
C. Verb
D. Preposition

5. People express thoughts mainly by using

A. language.
B. gestures.
C. numbers.
D. pictures.

6. In the following sentence, which word is an adverb used to modify an adjective?
It was quite late for a telephone call.

A. quite
B. for
C. telephone
D. late

7. A noun that completes an action is called a/an

A. subject.
B. predicate.
C. complement.
D. object.

8. Which of the following words can be used as a noun?

A. Love
B. If
C. Younger
D. Happily

9. Which kind of adjective is used most frequently in ordinary speech or writing?

A. Demonstrative
B. Proper
C. Article
D. Common

10. Which of these pronouns is third person plural posessive?

A. That
B. Who
C. Theirs
D. They

11. Which one of the following sentences contains a collective noun?

A. The legislature met in secret session.
B. Who among you is a butcher, a baker, or a candlestick maker?
C. The quality of mercy is not strained.
D. Listen, my children, and you shall hear.

12. In the following sentence, identify the part of speech of the italicized word.
Catching fish is one of the oldest pastimes.

A. Pronoun
B. Adjective
C. Verb
D. Noun

13. In which sentence do the capitalized words represent a prepositional phrase?

A. The Maxi Deli is AROUND THE CORNER.
B. Apart from his looks, I would never TRUST HIM.
C. The conductor CALLED OUT, "All aboard!"
D. I am not going TO RUN out of patience.

14. In the following sentence, what is the antecedent of the pronoun "it"?

The class decided to submit their project to the science contest, because they felt it was worthy of winning.

A. Science
B. Contest
C. Project
D. Class

15. Select the antecedent of the pronoun in the following sentence.
The strikers will return to work when the union representatives have completed their negotiations.

A. work
B. strikers
C. representatives
D. negotiations

16. Which sentence contains a verb in the simple past tense?

A. She has obeyed her father.
B. She obeys her father.
C. She obeyed her father.
D. She had obeyed her father.

17. In which sentence is race used as a noun?

A. Tom won the race.
B. If you race across town, you'll be on time.
C. Don't race the motor when you're starting the car.
D. Tom will race with four other boys.

18. Write the verb "see" in the present perfect tense. Use the pronoun "I" as the subject.

A. I have seen.
B. I am seen.
C. I see.
D. I am seeing.

19. Choose the sentence in which the verb is a linking verb.

A. He works at a gas station.
B. His boss pays him well.
C. He has walked to work from his house.
D. His hours are long and busy.

20. Which of the following sentences contains a demonstrative adjective?

A. Whose is this?
B. This hat is his.
C. Which one is this?
D. This is his.

I'll be glad to check YOUR answers. Put a * next to your answer choice.

For sentences that ask you to identify underlined or italicized words, please capitalize them.

13. In which sentence do the capitalized words represent a prepositional phrase?

A. The Maxi Deli is AROUND THE CORNER.
B. Apart from his looks, I would never TRUST HIM.
C. The conductor CALLED OUT, "All aboard!"
D. I am not going TO RUN out of patience.

20. Which of the following sentences contains a demonstrative adjective?

A. Whose is this?
B. This hat is his.
C. Which one is this?
D. This is his.

1. In the following sentence, identify the part of speech of the italicized word.

Large fish swim swiftly in the sea.


1. The part of speech of the italicized word "Large" in the sentence "Large fish swim swiftly in the sea." is C. Adjective. To determine the part of speech of a word, you need to consider its role and function in the sentence. In this case, "Large" describes the noun "fish" by providing information about its size.

To identify the part of speech of a word, you can consult a dictionary or a grammar resource that provides definitions and examples of different word types. It can also be helpful to understand the general characteristics and uses of different parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

2. The part of speech of the italicized word "swiftly" in the sentence "Large fish swim swiftly in the sea" is D. Adverb. Again, you can determine the part of speech by considering the role and function of the word in the sentence. In this case, "swiftly" modifies the action verb "swim" by describing how the fish are swimming.

3. The sentence that contains a relative pronoun is A. "Mr. Moon, whom you have met, is my assistant." The relative pronoun "whom" introduces a relative clause that provides additional information about Mr. Moon. Relative pronouns are used to connect clauses or phrases to a noun or pronoun, and they include words like "who," "whom," "whose," "which," and "that."

4. The part of speech of the italicized word "of" in the sentence "Thousands of years ago, fish were caught in nets and traps" is D. Preposition. "Of" is a preposition that shows the relationship between "Thousands" and "years" in this sentence. Prepositions are words that indicate location, time, possession, or manner. Examples of common prepositions include "of," "in," "on," "at," and "for."

5. People express thoughts mainly by using A. language. Language is the primary means of communication and expression of thoughts among humans. It allows us to transmit and share ideas, emotions, information, and experiences using spoken or written words.

6. The word "quite" in the sentence "It was quite late for a telephone call" is an adverb used to modify an adjective. The correct answer is A. "quite." Adverbs often modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. In this case, "quite" modifies the adjective "late" by intensifying it and indicating a high degree of lateness.

7. A noun that completes an action is called a D. object. When a noun or pronoun receives the action of a transitive verb, it is called the direct object. For example, in the sentence "I ate an apple," "apple" is the direct object because it receives the action of the verb "ate."

8. The word "Love" can be used as a noun. A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea. "Love" is a noun that represents an intense feeling of deep affection, care, or attachment.

9. The kind of adjective used most frequently in ordinary speech or writing is D. Common. Common adjectives are the most basic and widely used type of adjectives. They describe common qualities or characteristics of nouns without specifying particular individuals or things. Examples of common adjectives include "big," "happy," "red," "tall," and "beautiful."

10. The pronoun "Their" is the third person plural possessive pronoun. The correct answer is C. "Theirs." Possessive pronouns are used to indicate ownership or possession. "Their" is the third person plural possessive pronoun that denotes ownership by multiple individuals or a group.

11. The sentence that contains a collective noun is A. "The legislature met in secret session." A collective noun is a special type of noun that refers to a group or collection of individuals or things as a single entity. Examples of collective nouns include "legislature," "team," "family," and "flock."

12. The part of speech of the italicized word "Catching" in the sentence "Catching fish is one of the oldest pastimes" is C. Verb. "Catching" is a gerund, which is a verb form that functions as a noun. Gerunds end in "-ing" and can be the subject or object of a sentence.

13. The sentence that contains a prepositional phrase represented by capitalized words is A. "The Maxi Deli is AROUND THE CORNER." Prepositional phrases consist of a preposition and its object along with any modifiers. In this sentence, "around" is the preposition and "the corner" is the object of the preposition, together forming the prepositional phrase.

14. The antecedent of the pronoun "it" in the sentence "The class decided to submit their project to the science contest because they felt it was worthy of winning" is C. "Project." An antecedent is the noun or pronoun that a pronoun refers to or replaces. In this case, "project" is the antecedent of the pronoun "it" because "it" replaces or refers back to the project.

15. The antecedent of the pronoun in the sentence "The strikers will return to work when the union representatives have completed their negotiations" is C. "representatives." The word "representatives" is the antecedent of the pronoun "their" because "their" refers back to the union representatives who will complete the negotiations.

16. The sentence that contains a verb in the simple past tense is C. "She obeyed her father." The simple past tense indicates an action that occurred in the past and is usually expressed by adding "-ed" to the base form of regular verbs or using an irregular verb form.

17. The sentence that uses "race" as a noun is A. "Tom won the race." In this sentence, "race" is a noun that refers to a competition or contest in running. The other options use "race" as a verb or part of a phrasal verb ("race across town" or "race the motor").

18. The verb "see" in the present perfect tense with the pronoun "I" as the subject is A. "I have seen." The present perfect tense is formed by using the auxiliary verb "have" or "has" followed by the past participle form of the main verb. In this case, "I have seen" indicates an action that was completed in the past but has relevance to the present moment.

19. The sentence in which the verb is a linking verb is D. "His hours are long and busy." Linking verbs are verbs that connect the subject of a sentence with a noun, pronoun, or adjective that renames or describes it. In this sentence, the verb "are" links the subject "his hours" with the adjective phrase "long and busy."

20. The sentence that contains a demonstrative adjective is D. "This is his." A demonstrative adjective is used to point out or identify a specific person, thing, or idea. In this sentence, "this" is a demonstrative adjective that points out or identifies a particular object or situation.