sketch, label and mark each figure.

1.Isoscles obtuse triangle TRI with vertex angle T.
2.Rhombus RHOM with acute <H and the shorter diagonal.
3.Scalene right triangle SCA with midpoints L,M and N on SC, CA, and SA, respecitively.
4.Trapeoziod TRAP with TR|| A[, RE PA and P,E and A collinear
5.KIte KITE with EK=KI and obtuse <K

please help, how can i do this?:(

You will have to tell us you have a problem with which question and why.

Describe your problem in words. This will also help you write good reports when you eventually start your career.

To sketch, label, and mark each figure, you can follow these steps:

1. Isosceles obtuse triangle TRI with vertex angle T:
- Start by drawing a line segment and label it TR.
- At point R, draw two more line segments of equal length, forming an angle greater than 90 degrees. Label the points where the lines meet as T and I.
- Label the angle T as the vertex angle.

2. Rhombus RHOM with acute angle H and the shorter diagonal:
- Begin by drawing a line segment and label it RH.
- From H, draw two more line segments of equal length, forming an acute angle. Label the points where the lines meet as O and M.
- Draw the shorter diagonal by connecting points O and M.

3. Scalene right triangle SCA with midpoints L, M, and N on SC, CA, and SA, respectively:
- Start by drawing a line segment and label it SC.
- At point S, draw another line segment perpendicular to SC and label it SA.
- Connect points C and A to create the right angle.
- Locate the midpoints L, M, and N on SC, CA, and SA, respectively, and label them accordingly.

4. Trapezoid TRAP with TR || A, RE || PA, and P, E, and A collinear:
- Begin by drawing a line segment and label it TR.
- Draw another line segment parallel to TR and label it A.
- Connect points R and A to complete the trapezoid.
- Draw another line segment parallel to RA and label it RE.
- Ensure that points P, E, and A are collinear, meaning they lie on the same straight line.

5. Kite KITE with EK = KI and obtuse angle K:
- Start by drawing a line segment and label it EK.
- At point K, draw two more line segments of equal length, forming an obtuse angle. Label the points where the lines meet as I and T.
- Ensure that EK = KI by using a compass or measuring equal lengths.

Remember to label each figure accurately and mark any required angles or lengths as specified in the question.