describe what you think will be your major challenges in getting and keeping part or full time employment in the next two years.

Since I don't work right now, I am usually with my family, at home, not really that busy. So once I start working, I think my biggest challenges would be keeping in contact with my family members, and I think levels of stress might increase with overall work atmosphere, it all depends.

I cant think of what else to add. Any suggestions?

You'll also have to consider getting up and getting to work every day. It also may be difficult to give up your leisure time.

Oh yeah! You're right about that. It will be really hard to wake up early in the mornings to go to work. And would another major challenge be becoming responsible, and not acting immature at the workplace. It's obviously not going to be the same at work, like at home, so a change in behaviour would be another challenge right?


In addition to the challenges you mentioned, there are a few other factors that may arise when seeking and maintaining employment in the next two years:

1. Developing the necessary skills: As job requirements continue to evolve, it is essential to stay updated with the latest industry trends and acquire new skills if needed. Consider signing up for online courses, attending workshops, or pursuing additional education to enhance your qualifications.

2. Networking and building professional relationships: Networking plays a crucial role in finding job opportunities and progressing in your career. Actively engage in professional networking events, join relevant professional associations, and make use of online platforms like LinkedIn to connect with industry professionals.

3. Adapting to changing work environments: With the ongoing advancement of technology, the nature of work is constantly changing. Be prepared to adapt to new work environments, such as remote or virtual work, and become familiar with digital tools and collaboration platforms that facilitate remote teamwork.

4. Balancing work-life commitments: Finding a balance between work and personal life can be challenging, especially when transitioning from not working to full-time employment. Manage your time effectively, establish boundaries between work and personal life, and make conscious efforts to prioritize your well-being.

5. Dealing with workplace dynamics: Interactions with colleagues, supervisors, and clients can sometimes be challenging. Maintain open communication, exhibit strong interpersonal skills, and be proactive in addressing any conflicts or concerns that may arise.

Remember, a positive attitude, adaptability, and continuous learning are key factors in overcoming these challenges and securing and maintaining employment in the next two years.