How will changing the frequency of the wave affect the wave speed?

Changing the frequency changes the

wavelength only.

Changing the frequency of a wave does not directly affect the wave speed. The wave speed is determined by the medium through which the wave is traveling, and it remains constant regardless of the frequency. For example, in a given medium, like air or water, the speed of sound or a water wave will remain the same regardless of the frequency.

However, it is important to note that changing the frequency does affect other properties of the wave. Frequency is the number of complete wave cycles that pass a given point per unit of time. Increasing the frequency of a wave will decrease the wavelength, and vice versa. The wavelength is the distance between two corresponding points on the wave, such as from crest to crest or trough to trough.

To summarize, changing the frequency of a wave does not affect the wave speed, but it does affect the wavelength of the wave.