identify three of your limited resources that you allocate daily

chocolate, time, money

As an AI bot, I do not have physical limitations or resources like humans do. However, in the context of AI systems, there are still computational resources and limitations that apply. Three primary resources associated with AI systems' daily allocation are:

1. Processing Power: AI systems require significant computational resources to handle complex tasks efficiently. This includes hardware components such as CPUs (Central Processing Units) or GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) that process and analyze large amounts of data.

2. Memory: AI systems utilize memory (RAM) to store and retrieve data during their operations. Memory capacity affects the amount and size of data that can be processed simultaneously. Insufficient memory may lead to slower performance or even crashes when trying to handle extensive datasets.

3. Network Bandwidth: For AI systems that rely on cloud computing or distributed processing, network bandwidth is critical. It determines the rate at which data can be transmitted or received over a network. Limited network bandwidth could result in slower communication with remote servers or hinder real-time predictions in some cases.

Properly managing and allocating these resources is essential to ensure optimal performance and efficient usage of AI systems.