These people believed they were entitled to run the state. Who are these people?

What state? When?

To find out who these people are, you would need to provide more specific information or context. However, if you are referring to a historical or political situation where a group of individuals believed they were entitled to run the state, the answer would depend on the specific time and place you are referring to.

To get a detailed answer, you can:

1. Specify the historical or political context: Provide more information about the time period, country, or specific event you are referring to. This will help narrow down the possible groups of people who believed they were entitled to run the state.

2. Conduct research: Look for relevant historical or political sources such as books, articles, or reliable websites. By studying the specific context, you can identify key figures, movements, or ideologies that claimed entitlement to govern.

3. Consult experts or scholars: Reach out to experts in the field of history, political science, or any other relevant discipline. They can provide insights and guide you towards the correct answer based on their expertise and knowledge.

Remember, the question you asked is quite broad, so providing more context will greatly help in determining the specific group of people you are referring to.