What was the Reformation in Europe??


I need help

The Reformation in Europe was the movement toward Protestant churches away from the established Catholic church.


So they were trying to get people to move from a protestant church to a catholic church?

*i mean the other way around*

Right. Martin Luther and others believed that the Catholic Church had some corrupt practices. They started their own churches.

The Reformation in Europe was a significant religious and cultural movement that took place in the 16th century. It was sparked by the dissatisfaction with the Roman Catholic Church and led to the establishment of various Protestant denominations.

To understand the Reformation, there are several ways you can explore the topic:

1. Read books and articles: Start by reading books or articles on the Reformation. Some well-known works include "The Reformation: A History" by Diarmaid MacCulloch and "The Protestant Reformation" by Hans J. Hillerbrand. Additionally, online resources such as academic journals and reputable websites can provide valuable information.

2. Visit libraries or academic institutions: Libraries often have extensive collections of books, documentaries, and scholarly works on historical topics like the Reformation. You can consult librarians who specialize in history to help you find relevant resources. Similarly, visiting academic institutions or universities may provide access to specialized research materials or even lectures on the subject.

3. Watch documentaries and films: Documentaries and films can be an engaging way to learn about the Reformation. Some popular choices include "Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World" and "The Ascent of Money: The Protestant Revolution."

4. Take online courses or lectures: Many online platforms, such as Coursera and edX, offer courses on historical topics. Taking a course on the Reformation can provide structured learning and access to expert opinions and discussions.

Remember, the Reformation was a complex movement that had various causes and consequences. It is essential to explore different perspectives, historical contexts, and key figures involved to gain a comprehensive understanding.