What time of reactions is

Silver + gold(III)> silver nitrate + gold

The given chemical equation represents a single replacement reaction between silver (Ag) and gold(III) (Au) ions. It results in the formation of silver nitrate (AgNO3) and gold (Au) as the products.

To determine the type of reaction occurring, you need to understand the different types of chemical reactions. In this case, it is a single replacement reaction, also known as a displacement reaction or a substitution reaction.

In single replacement reactions, one element replaces another in a compound. The general format for a single replacement reaction is:

A + BC → AC + B

In your specific example, silver (Ag) replaces gold(III) (Au) in the compound. Therefore, the reaction can be written as:

Ag + Au(NO3)3 → AgNO3 + Au

Now, it's important to note that the reaction you mentioned is not balanced yet, so the coefficients need to be adjusted to satisfy the law of conservation of mass. Balancing the equation ensures that the number of atoms of each element on both sides of the reaction remains the same.

Once the equation is balanced, you can determine the stoichiometry (relationship between the reactants and products) and the amounts of each substance involved.