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evaluate the expression:
7^-6 (-6)^-9

simplify the expression. write your answer using only positive exponents.
4x^-2*-x -2a^0*a^2

Simplify this expression. If the answer contains exponents, all exponents should be positive.

t 9 (t 6 ) 4


To evaluate the expression 7^-6 * (-6)^-9, we can rewrite the negative exponents as reciprocals with positive exponents.

Step 1: Evaluate 7^-6
7^-6 = 1 / 7^6

Step 2: Evaluate (-6)^-9
(-6)^-9 = 1 / (-6)^9

Now, let's simplify the expression 4x^-2 * -x.

Step 1: Simplify x^-2
x^-2 = 1 / x^2

Step 2: Multiply 4 and 1/x^2
4 * (1 / x^2) = 4 / x^2

Next, let's simplify -2a^0 * a^2.

Step 1: Simplify a^0
a^0 = 1

Step 2: Multiply -2 and 1 * a^2
-2 * 1 * a^2 = -2a^2

Finally, our simplified expressions are:
7^-6 * (-6)^-9 = (1 / 7^6) * (1 / (-6)^9)
4x^-2 * -x = 4 / x^2 * -x
-2a^0 * a^2 = -2a^2