Students are often confused about the use of the words good and well in their writing. Write a 100-word passage to Susan Anker, the author of the course’s textbook, in which you describe five details from her book that are good and five details about the book that are written well.

this is what i wrote:

Susan Anker, thank you for writing such a great book on English Grammar. Your book is well written and within its pages within it pages there are many good examples of proper writing. You make good examples of tables, they contain very good information. Reviews of various aspects of grammar are well written. The mini quizes throught out was very helpful, they really help focus attention on the most important aspect of grammar. Your grammar points are well organized and follow logically from one to the other. You always give relevent information without error

will some one check over this please??

Your uses of well and good are correct.

Now, go through your brief paragraph and proof read it for duplications and misspelled words.

Dear Susan Anker,

I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for your English Grammar textbook. Your book is exceptionally well-written, and it contains numerous good examples that greatly aid students in understanding proper writing. Firstly, the tables provided in the book are not only visually appealing but also contain valuable information that clarifies grammar rules effectively. Secondly, the reviews of various grammar aspects are meticulously written, making it easy for students to grasp the concepts. Additionally, the mini quizzes scattered throughout the book serve as valuable tools that help students focus on the most important grammar principles. Lastly, your organization of grammar points is flawless, as the concepts flow seamlessly from one to another, creating a logical progression. Moreover, you always provide relevant information accurately, ensuring that there are no errors in understanding.

Thank you once again for the remarkable work you have done in producing such an outstanding textbook.

[Your Name]