ms sue i did and went back to the other posts. could you please help me now.

And also i need a bit help on this bit.

the workers who have been trying to bring the nuclear crisis under control volunteered 4 the job. what factors might they have weighed when deciding whether or not to stay behind and help. What qualities do you think these people must possess? Why do you suppose the japanese people consider them to be heros? Give reasons to support your response.

Factors would be that its risky for them, they may not be able to survive, which will shatter their families, but to save the country that's the only option they have. Qualties they possess must be sincerity, hardworking, passionate, and loyal. The japanese people consider them to be heros because they have helped reduce chances of others losing their lives, helped save the country, and protect all those individuals, by risking their own lives.

please help me with more ideas.

I agree with your response. I don't have anything more to add.

Ok, would there be any other factors? i was thinking that their friends might miss them too, but its all about family and own life.

please look back on other posts.

Certainly! Here are some additional ideas to expand upon your response:

1. Sense of Duty: The workers may have felt a strong sense of duty towards their country and its people. They understand the potential consequences of a nuclear crisis and felt compelled to do whatever they could to bring it under control.

2. Sacrifice: These workers were willing to sacrifice their own safety and well-being for the greater good. They put the needs of their fellow citizens above their own and were willing to take on significant personal risks.

3. Specialized Skills: The workers involved in dealing with a nuclear crisis would have possessed specialized skills and knowledge. Their expertise and training would have been invaluable in mitigating the situation and minimizing the damage.

4. Strong Work Ethic: Dealing with a nuclear crisis would require long hours of hard work and immense perseverance. These workers must have been highly disciplined and motivated, constantly pushing themselves to their limits in order to tackle the challenges they faced.

5. Selflessness: The workers displayed a remarkable selflessness by staying behind to help. They prioritized the welfare and safety of others, even at the expense of their own lives. This level of selflessness may be seen as heroic by the Japanese people, as it embodies the virtues of putting others before oneself.

6. National Pride: The Japanese people consider these workers heroes because they are defending and protecting their nation. By risking their lives and working tirelessly to bring the crisis under control, they symbolize the resilience, unity, and determination of the Japanese people in the face of adversity.

These additional points should help you further develop your response. Remember to provide justifications or examples for each point to support your reasoning.