How many license plates consisting of 2 letters (upper case) followed by two digits are possible?

To determine the number of possible license plates consisting of 2 letters (uppercase) followed by two digits, we need to calculate the total number of options for each component and multiply them together.

1. The number of options for the first letter: There are 26 uppercase letters in the English alphabet, so there are 26 choices for the first letter.

2. The number of options for the second letter: Since we have already used one letter for the first position, there are still 25 remaining choices for the second letter.

3. The number of options for the first digit: There are 10 possible digits (0-9), so we have 10 choices for the first digit.

4. The number of options for the second digit: Since we have already used one digit for the first position, there are still 10 remaining choices for the second digit.

To calculate the total number of possible license plates, we multiply the number of options for each component together:

26 (options for first letter) × 25 (options for second letter) × 10 (options for first digit) × 10 (options for second digit) = 65,000.

Therefore, there are 65,000 possible license plates consisting of 2 letters (uppercase) followed by two digits.