Need to underline the noun or pronoun and circle the word that modifies it....

1. Countless pioneers crossed this vast continent. Noun=pioneers Adj=countless, Noun=continent Adj=this,vast

2. Some people wanted rich, productive farmland. Noun=people Adj=some, Noun=farmland Adj=rich,productive

3. Other explorers, restless and eager, sought freedom. Noun=explorers Adj=freedom

4. They were slow-footed yet persistent. Noun=they Adj=slow-footed

5. These journeys took many long and difficult months. Noun=journeys Adj=these

6. Hunger and weariness defeated numerous travelers. Noun travelers Adj=hunger,weariness

7. Dangers were plentiful.
Noun=dangers Adj=plentiful

8. Mountains and deserts challenged travel-weary pioneers. Noun=pioneers Adj=travel-weary

9. Each and every obstacle caused additional hardship. Noun=obstacle Adj=hardship

10. Hard-earned land rewarded those few surviors. Noun=land Adj=hard-earned Noun=surviors Adj=few

These journeys took many long and difficult months

Some people wanted rich, productive farmland


they were slow-footed yet persistent

Your first and second answers are correct.

3. Other explorers, restless and eager, sought freedom. Noun=explorers Adj=freedom
Your noun is correct, but restless and eager are the adjectives that describe it. Freedom is also a noun, but doesn't have any modifiers in this sentence.

4. They is a pronoun, not a noun. You're right about one of the adjectives, but missed the second adjective.

5. Half right. There's another noun modified by two adjectives.

6. Hunger and weariness defeated numerous travelers. Noun travelers Adj=hunger,weariness

Your noun is correct, but your adjective is not. Note that hunger and weariness are also nouns -- and act as the subjects of this sentence.

7. Correct

8. You missed two nouns -- but they don't have modifiers.

9. One noun is correct. You missed its adjectives. This sentence has another noun and modifier.

10. Correct. Note that those is also an adjective.

To underline the noun or pronoun and circle the word that modifies it, you need to identify the noun or pronoun in the sentence and then identify the word or words that describe or modify it.

Let's go through each sentence:

1. Countless pioneers crossed this vast continent.
- Noun: pioneers
- Adjective: countless (modifies pioneers)
- Adjective: this, vast (both modify continent)

2. Some people wanted rich, productive farmland.
- Noun: people
- Adjective: some (modifies people)
- Adjective: rich, productive (both modify farmland)

3. Other explorers, restless and eager, sought freedom.
- Noun: explorers
- Adjective: restless, eager (both modify explorers)

4. They were slow-footed yet persistent.
- Pronoun: they
- Adjective: slow-footed (modifies they)

5. These journeys took many long and difficult months.
- Noun: journeys
- Adjective: these (modifies journeys)

6. Hunger and weariness defeated numerous travelers.
- Noun: travelers
- Adjective: hunger, weariness (both modify travelers)

7. Dangers were plentiful.
- Noun: dangers
- Adjective: plentiful (modifies dangers)

8. Mountains and deserts challenged travel-weary pioneers.
- Noun: pioneers
- Adjective: travel-weary (modifies pioneers)

9. Each and every obstacle caused additional hardship.
- Noun: obstacle
- Adjective: additional (modifies hardship)

10. Hard-earned land rewarded those few survivors.
- Noun: land, survivors
- Adjective: hard-earned (modifies land)
- Adjective: few (modifies survivors)