A stereo system that regularly sells for $240 goes on sale for $192 what is the percent discount

From jumpstart booklet grade 8

You save $48.

48/240 = 0.2 = 20%


You're welcome.

why did u divide by 240

You want to find the percent that the original price is discounted.

If you are the merchant and decide to get rid of these $240 stereo systems, you decide to offer 20% off the original price.

20% of 240 = $48

240 - 48 = 192

To find the percent discount, you can use the following formula:

Percent Discount = (Regular Price - Sale Price) / Regular Price * 100

In this case, the regular price of the stereo system is $240, and the sale price is $192. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

Percent Discount = ($240 - $192) / $240 * 100


Percent Discount = $48 / $240 * 100

To calculate the discount:

Percent Discount = 0.2 * 100

Percent Discount = 20%

Therefore, the stereo system is discounted by 20%.