1.Isoscles obtuse triangle TRI with vertex angle T.

2.Rhombus RHOM with acute <H and the shorter diagonal.
3.Scalene right triangle SCA with midpointsL<M and N on SC, CA, and SA, respecitively.
4.Trapeoziod TRAP with TR|| A[, RE PA and P,E and A collinear
5.KIte KITE with EK=KI and obtuse <K

because i have to sketch, label and mark each figure.

to every problem

Sure! I can help you sketch, label, and mark each figure. Let's go through each problem one by one.

1. Isosceles obtuse triangle TRI with vertex angle T:
To sketch this triangle, start by drawing a line segment TR. From point T, draw two lines TA and TB, both of equal length, inclined at an angle greater than 90 degrees. Label the length of TA and TB as equal, for example, "a". Finally, label the vertex angle T.

2. Rhombus RHOM with acute <H and the shorter diagonal:
To sketch this rhombus, start by drawing a line segment RH. From point R, draw two lines, one inclined to the left and the other inclined to the right, forming two acute angles at point H. These two lines should be of equal length, which will be the shorter diagonal of the rhombus. Finally, label the acute angle H.

3. Scalene right triangle SCA with midpoints L, M, and N on SC, CA, and SA, respectively:
To sketch this triangle, draw a right-angled triangle SCA, with the right angle at point A. Then, locate the midpoint of each side: L on SC, M on CA, and N on SA. Label each midpoint accordingly.

4. Trapezoid TRAP with TR|| A, RE PA and P, E, and A collinear:
To sketch this trapezoid, draw a line segment TA and another line segment RP parallel to TA. Connect the endpoints of these line segments with the remaining two segments, TR and PA, forming a trapezoid. Additionally, draw a line connecting points R and E, and another line connecting points P and E, ensuring that points P, E, and A lie on the same line.

5. Kite KITE with EK = KI and obtuse <K:
To sketch this kite, start by drawing a line segment KT and another line segment IE, both of equal length. These segments should meet at point K, forming an obtuse angle. Then, draw two more line segments, KE and IT, connecting the remaining endpoints, forming a kite. Label the lengths of EK and KI as equal, for example, "x".

Remember to label each figure appropriately, including angles and sides as instructed.