Using the subject “usted” and the verb in the imperative, tell your instructor three things she or he must do. Then tell your instructor two things she or he must not do. You will be graded on accuracy and pronunciation. Provide your sentences in Spanish.

To form the imperative with the subject "usted" and the verb, you will usually follow these rules:

- For regular verbs, use the present tense form of the verb, drop the -ar, -er, or -ir ending, and add -e for -ar verbs, or -a for -er and -ir verbs.
- For irregular verbs, each one has its own unique form, so you will need to learn them individually.

Now, let's provide three things your instructor must do using the imperative form with "usted" in Spanish:

1. Study every day. (Estudie todos los días.)
- To form this sentence, start with the verb "estudiar" and remove the -ar ending. Add -e to the stem since it is an -ar verb, and add the subject pronoun "usted" at the beginning.

2. Complete the assignments on time. (Complete las tareas a tiempo.)
- Begin with the verb "completar" and remove the -ar ending. Add -e to the stem as it is an -ar verb. Incorporate the subject pronoun "usted" at the start.

3. Practice speaking Spanish regularly. (Practique hablar español regularmente.)
- Start with the verb "practicar" and remove the -ar ending. Add -e to the stem due to it being an -ar verb. Begin the sentence with the subject pronoun "usted."

Now, let's provide two things your instructor must not do:

1. Don't be late to class. (No llegue tarde a clase.)
- Start with the verb "llegar" and remove the -ar ending. Add -e to the stem because it is an -ar verb. Begin the sentence with the negative word "no" followed by the subject pronoun "usted."

2. Don't forget to assign homework. (No olvide asignar tarea.)
- Begin with the verb "olvidar" and remove the -ar ending. Add -e to the stem due to it being an -ar verb. Start the sentence with the negative word "no" followed by the subject pronoun "usted."

Remember to practice pronouncing the sentences to improve your accuracy. Good luck with your assignment!

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Usted tiene que guiarme cómo tengo que hacer los ejercicios.

Usted debe decirme qué tipo de dieta tengo que elegir.
Usted tiene que motivarme para hacer más esfuerzo.

Usted no debe decirme que no vale la pena hacer algunos ejercicios difíciles.
Usted no debe llegar con retraso para nuestra sesión de fitness.
Usted no debe traerme chocolate.

This is a HELP site. We do not DO the work for you. First of all select the verbs you want to use. Here is how to form the usted command.

-ar verb (hablar) hable, no hable
-er verb (comer) coma, no coma
-ir verb (vivir) viva, no viva

Note that the "opposite vowel" is used. That means an -ar verb uses e and an -er or -ir verb uses a.

The irregular verbs are based on the "yo" form as the stem.
decir = digo, the command is diga, no diga
volver = vuelvo, the command is vuelva, no vuelva

Post what y ou believe to be the 3 affirmative commands and the 3 negaive commands and we will be happy to check them for you.
