1. What is ECTO:1?

(Is ECTO a model of a car?)

2.SLIMED! Lose all your points.
(In a game on a computer,there is a green ghost and the expression in #2. Then what does "SLIMED" mean?

3. Marshmallow Man
(Is it a character?)

Wow! "SLIMED" is the only one familiar to me, but we'll let Google help us out!




The marshmellow man is from ghostbusters..lol

I think they're ALL from Ghostbusters.


1. ECTO:1 refers to the iconic vehicle seen in the movie Ghostbusters. It is indeed a model of a car. To find out more about ECTO:1, you can do a quick internet search using a search engine like Google. Simply type in "ECTO:1 Ghostbusters" and you should be able to find all the information you need about this famous car from the movie.

2. In the context of a game with a green ghost and the expression "SLIMED! Lose all your points," it seems to be referencing the act of being hit or attacked by something slimy. "SLIMED" typically refers to the action of being covered in slime, which often leads to negative consequences in a game setting. It seems that, in this instance, being slimed results in losing all of your points. If you are playing a specific game, the rules of that game should provide more information on what being slimed entails and its consequences.

3. Yes, the Marshmallow Man is a character. Specifically, the Marshmallow Man refers to a character named Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from the movie Ghostbusters. Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is a giant, marshmallow-like figure, originally depicted as the mascot of a fictional marshmallow brand. In the context of the movie, Stay Puft Marshmallow Man becomes a destructive force that the Ghostbusters must confront. If you're interested in learning more about Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, you can look up information about the character online or watch the Ghostbusters movie where it appears.