what would 8^2/3 be.

2^3 = 8 so would it be 2?

Never mind I got it.

8^(2/3)=third root of (8^2)

8^(2/3)=third root of(64)=4

To calculate 8^2/3, you need to understand the concepts of exponentiation and fractional exponents.

In this case, the exponent 2/3 is a fractional exponent. To evaluate it, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the cube root of the base (8 in this case). The cube root of a number x can be represented as x^(1/3).
- In this case, the cube root of 8 is 2: 8^(1/3) = 2.

Step 2: Raise the result of Step 1 to the power of the numerator of the fractional exponent (2 in this case).
- In this case, we raise 2 to the power of 2: 2^2 = 4.

Therefore, 8^(2/3) is equal to 4. It is not equal to 2, as you suggested.

To summarize:
- Start by calculating the cube root of 8, which is 2.
- Then, raise 2 to the power of 2, which gives you 4.

Keep in mind that fractional exponents can be a bit complex, but understanding them conceptually and following the steps outlined above will help you find the correct answers.