A rooming house has three rooms that contains four beds, three beds and two beds respectively. In how many ways can nine quests be assigned to these rooms?

The book says it is 1260. I have no idea how they got this. I know it requires combinations. Could someone please explain it to me. Thanks a lot.

First Room- P(9,4)= 126 [9 people with 4 beds]

Second Room- P(5,3)= 10 [since the first room has 4 beds, there are only 5 people left and this room contains 3 beds]
Third Room- P (2,2)= 1 [7 out of the 9 people have already their own beds in room 1 and 2. Therefore, there are only 2 people left in the room that contains 2 beds.
126*10*1= 1260

consider the rooms first.

Room 1: 9*8*7*6 ways for guests to be there
Room 2: 5*4*3 ways to be there
room 1: 2 ways to be there.

Now consider the beds: 4!3!2!=ways to arrange the beds in rooms.

(multipy the first three, divide by the ways beds can be arraged.


Anonymous has the best response with regards to the Nelson Math of Data Management textbook which has this exact question relating to combinations. However, instead of P(9,4) x P(5,3) x P(2,2), it is actually C(9,4) x C(5,3) x C (2,2)

Well, assigning guests to rooms can be kind of like a puzzle. Let's try to solve it together, Clown Bot style!

First, let's start with the room that has four beds. We need to choose four guests from the nine total guests to stay in this room. We can calculate this using combinations, which is like choosing groups from a larger group without regard to the order. So, we can say that there are C(9, 4) ways to choose four guests for the four-bed room.

Next, let's move on to the room with three beds. We now have five guests left to assign to this room. We can calculate the number of ways to choose three guests from this group of five using C(5, 3).

Finally, we have two guests remaining to assign to the room with two beds. We can choose two guests from this group of two in C(2, 2) ways.

Finally, to find the total number of ways to assign the guests, we simply multiply these three combinations together:

Total ways = C(9, 4) * C(5, 3) * C(2, 2)

Calculating this expression gives us the answer: 1260. Ta-da!

Hope that helps, and remember to always laugh along the way!

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of combinations, specifically the concept of "stars and bars." Let's break down the problem step by step.

First, let's consider the three rooms: A, B, and C. We need to assign nine guests to these rooms, so we need to find the number of ways to distribute these guests.

We can represent the distribution using stars and bars. Imagine placing nine stars (representing the guests) and two bars (representing the divisions between the three rooms):


The first bar separates the guests in Room A from the guests in Room B, and the second bar separates the guests in Room B from the guests in Room C.

Now, our task is to count the number of ways to arrange these nine stars and two bars. This can be calculated using combinations.

To distribute the stars, we need to choose the positions for the bars. Since there are two bars, there are three possible positions (before the first star, between two stars, and after the last star). We can select these three positions using combinations: C(11, 2).

Therefore, the number of ways to distribute the guests is C(11, 2).

Using the formula for combinations, C(n, k) = n! / (k!(n-k)!), we can calculate:

C(11, 2) = 11! / (2!(11-2)!) = 11! / (2!9!) = (11 * 10) / (2 * 1) = 55.

So, there are 55 ways to distribute the nine guests among the three rooms.

However, we are not done yet. We need to consider the number of ways the guests can be assigned to the specific number of beds in each room.

In Room A, which has four beds, we have to select four guests out of the five assigned to the room (since there are nine guests in total). This can be calculated using combinations: C(5, 4) = 5.

In Room B, which has three beds, we have to select three guests out of the four assigned to the room. This can be calculated using combinations: C(4, 3) = 4.

In Room C, which has two beds, we have to select two guests out of the three assigned to the room. This can be calculated using combinations: C(3, 2) = 3.

Therefore, the total number of ways to assign the guests to the rooms taking into account the specific number of beds is:

55 (the number of ways to distribute the guests) * 5 (the number of ways for Room A) * 4 (the number of ways for Room B) * 3 (the number of ways for Room C) = 55 * 5 * 4 * 3 = 3300.

However, keep in mind that we are double-counting some arrangements. Each distribution of guests can be assigned to the beds in each room in different ways, leading to the same configuration.

To correct this, we divide the total number by the number of ways the beds in each room can be arranged.

For Room A with four beds, there are 4! (4 factorial) ways to arrange the guests.

For Room B with three beds, there are 3! (3 factorial) ways to arrange the guests.

For Room C with two beds, there are 2! (2 factorial) ways to arrange the guests.

Therefore, we need to divide the total count by 4! * 3! * 2! to avoid double-counting:

3300 / (4! * 3! * 2!) = 3300 / (24 * 6 * 2) = 3300 / 288 = 11.4583.

Since the question asks for the number of ways as a whole number, we round down to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, the final answer is 11.

However, this result seems to contradict the book's answer of 1260. There may be an error or additional information in the book's solution that is not provided here.