I was given this problem to solve and no matter what order I multiply the variables I don't get the right answer.

27xy, when x=12.7 and y=100.4
the answer is 34,427.16

I cannot figure out the way to achieve this answer.

I find problems with variable fairly easy, but this one with double variables is very confusing. There is not example in the text to help with this.

27 * 12.7 * 100.4 = 34,427.16

Multiply the three numbers. The answer is correct.

Thank you. I didn't think of multiplying from left to right.

Determine the nature of the solutions of the equations. 2t²-6t=0

To find the result of the expression 27xy when x = 12.7 and y = 100.4, follow these steps:

1. Substitute the given values of x and y into the expression: 27 * 12.7 * 100.4.
2. Perform the multiplication operations in the expression.
3. Use the correct order of operations, which is often referred to as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, Addition and Subtraction from left to right).
4. Start by performing any multiplication or division from left to right.
5. Multiply 27 by 12.7: 27 * 12.7 = 342.9.
6. Multiply the result from step 5 by 100.4: 342.9 * 100.4 = 34,430.76.

The result of the expression 27xy when x = 12.7 and y = 100.4 is 34,430.76.

It is possible that you might have made an error in performing the multiplication or in typing the values into a calculator. double-check your calculations and ensure that the values are entered accurately.