Discuss how the rise of capitalism led to the development of communism.

I put:

• Capitalism was where individuals and business firms would carry out all factors of production and trade. The owners would control the prices of their products. When capitalism came into place poorer people started working for the rich that owned their own companies. The working people did not start out seeking revolution but immediate goals of shorter working hours and higher pay. Having free markets and individuality has created unsurpassed poverty in the US compared to any other western nation. Business owners exploited workers in order to gain bigger profits; conditions were ripe for communist leaders to step in to protect the workers.
• Capitalism led to communism because before capitalism majority of people worked for themselves and at their own pace at home. According to Marx communism comes through capitalism. Capitalism is the separation between the upper and lower classes. Marx believed that communism would come into play when the lower class got so fed up with the workers getting mistreated that they would rebel and communism would result.
Capitalism actually lead to socialism first then communism.

Professor writes back:
There needs to be a discussion about communism and how the ideology evolved and how it took root in society. Much more information needs to be added to this section.

I don't know what else he is looking for can someone please help me.

Certainly! It seems like your professor is looking for a more comprehensive understanding of how the rise of capitalism led to the development of communism. Here's what you can do to provide a better explanation:

1. Begin by explaining the fundamental characteristics of capitalism. Describe how capitalism is an economic system where private individuals or businesses own and control the means of production and distribution. Emphasize that in a capitalist system, individuals pursue profit and wealth accumulation through market competition.

2. Discuss how the unequal distribution of wealth and resources is inherent in a capitalist system. Explain that capitalism can lead to the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, resulting in a significant wealth gap between the rich and the poor.

3. Highlight the exploitation of the working class under capitalism. Explain that in order to maximize profits, business owners often pay low wages and provide poor working conditions, leading to the formation of an exploited working class.

4. Introduce the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who argued that capitalism would inevitably lead to the rise of communism. Explain Marx's theory of class struggle and how he believed that the working class, or the proletariat, would eventually overthrow the capitalist class, or the bourgeoisie, in a revolution.

5. Discuss how the growing dissatisfaction and alienation of the working class under capitalism provided fertile ground for the development of communist ideologies. Explain that communism aimed to establish a classless society where the means of production were collectively owned and controlled by the community as a whole.

6. Mention that the transition from capitalism to communism was often seen as a two-step process. Socialism, an intermediate stage, aimed to address the injustices of capitalism through collective ownership and planning, leading eventually to communism.

7. Conclude by explaining that the rise of capitalism, with its inherent inequalities and exploitation, prompted the emergence of communist ideologies as a response and alternative to the flaws of the capitalist system.

By elaborating on these points and providing more in-depth analysis, you will be able to present a more comprehensive explanation of how the rise of capitalism led to the development of communism.

Your professor wants you to trace the history of communism. Tell why it appealed to so many people.