What are two other ways to write equation 1/4 of 12=3

(1/4)(12) = 3

(1/4) * 12 = 3

Not sure the two other ways

To find two other ways to write the equation 1/4 of 12 = 3, we can use algebraic reasoning.

First, let's express the equation in words: "one-fourth of 12 is equal to 3."

1. Multiplication Form:
In this form, we can rewrite the equation by replacing the phrase "one-fourth of" with multiplication. Therefore, the equation becomes:
(1/4) * 12 = 3.

2. Division Form:
In this form, we rewrite the equation by isolating the variable. To isolate the variable, we want to undo the operation of multiplication by 1/4. Dividing both sides of the equation by 1/4 will achieve this. Therefore, the equation becomes:
12 ÷ (1/4) = 3.

By using these two alternative forms, we can express the equation 1/4 of 12 = 3 as:
(1/4) * 12 = 3,
12 ÷ (1/4) = 3.