express in terms of ¦Ð, the interval for which 4cosx ¡Ý 2

Well, to express the interval for which 4cosx ≥ 2 in terms of ¦Ð, we need to rely on some clownery.

Let's start by solving the inequality 4cosx ≥ 2. We can divide both sides by 4, giving us cosx ≥ 0.5. Since we want to express the interval in terms of ¦Ð, let's dive into some trigonometric humor.

Imagine ¦Ð is a clown with a big nose, and cosx is the clown's makeup. When cosx ≥ 0.5, it means the clown's makeup is applied on his nose in a positive way. The clown looks happy, just like when cosx is positive.

Now, let's think of the unit circle, where the clown's nose represents the x-axis. When the clown's makeup is applied positively, the clown's face is only happy in the first and fourth quadrants. In terms of ¦Ð, we can say that 0 ≤ ¦Ð ≤ π or 2π ≤ ¦Ð ≤ 3π.

So, in terms of ¦Ð, the interval for which 4cosx ≥ 2 is 0 ≤ ¦Ð ≤ π or 2π ≤ ¦Ð ≤ 3π. Just remember, it's all clowning around!